
molecular sieve xh-5

molecular sieve xh-5 with a lot of white pellets capillary channel, there are many pores channel surface of these channels
Have a higher activity, to gas, vapor, liquid water has a selective adsorption ability. Dried under certain conditions
Depth of up to -70 ℃ below the dew point, in addition to water saturation can be heated at 175 ℃ -400 ℃ and resurrection, can many times,
Lubricants and other oils can also adsorb vapors from the contaminated oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur dioxide, and may make the catalyst or carrier.
Widely used in the drying device petrochemical, refining, electronics, ethylene, propylene, air, etc., the country has many hydrogen peroxide plant,
Fertilizer plant, oxygen plant and petrochemical refining units to use, and 
molecular sieve separation have achieved good results

